The Anatomy of a High-Converting Homepage | Marketing for Photographers | Photography Business Coach
Think of your homepage as a strong first impression. It should be welcoming, inviting and keep them engaged. You want to appeal to a diverse audience, while still directly communicating to your ideal clients through your brand messaging, tone, personality, and visuals.
It is critical you create a home page that keeps visitors scrolling and converts them to leads! After all, it is the very first place they land.
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Remember to keep your homepage visually appealing, concise, and user-friendly. It should provide a clear overview of your photography style, services, and the next steps visitors should take to engage with you.
With your website, not all visitors are created equal. Some will stay awhile and want to dive deep, others may opt for another brand style. Not to be repetitive, but this is why the deeper work in Module 2 is crucial for your success as a photographer!
However, you do want to make sure your Home page is able to meet and inform any of your potential clients or customers at any stage in their consumer journey. You also want to be mindful of the client's journey on your homepage and build trust with each section, this will keep them there longer increasing the probability of reaching out.
So, how do you structure your home page to keep your dream clients scrolling?
Main headline:
Make it short, exciting, and reader-focused, and include your target keyword.
Short Intro / About you or your business:
Share a bit about your professional and personal life to highlight your qualifications for the job (this can be as simple as one sentence about what you do and who you serve, less it more)
Tagline or Brand Mission Statement:
Expand on your headline with a benefit-rich statement.
Portfolio Highlights Gallery & Featured Images:
Showcase a carefully curated selection of your best work directly on the homepage. Choose diverse and eye-catching images that represent the range of your skills and specialization. Highlight images that set you apart!
Easy Navigation to Your Service Page:
At a glance, people should be able to quickly navigate to your offerings and services page.
Social proof:
Feature a list of trusted publications or clients who have used your services. Pro-Tip: Have an entire page dedicated to features and reviews as you grow and direct visitors there to give them the wow factor they want.
Include a raving quote from a happy client (or more).
Call To Action:
Remind visitors why their lives would improve by working with you, and give them the next step to take.
Newsletter OR Lead Capture Form:
Allow visitors to start their journey EASILY by signing up for your emails to access exclusive content.
Once you have dialed in your homepage, you can confidently begin directing other areas of your site and online presence!
If you need support with time management, check out my recent post on Time Blocking to take control of your time. More soon!